Rislone Valve Seal Oil Consumption Repair
What it does:
Repair Valve Stem Seal Leaks
Stop Blue Exhaust Smoke
Reduce Oil Consumption
Have you noticed that your car is consuming oil? It might be leaking oil, or even burning it in small amounts that you can’t detect. There’s no need to worry or spend your money on a costly repair bill, however. Our Rislone Professional Valve Seal Oil Consumption Repair quickly and safely restores valve seals so you can get back on the road and back to your life.
The most common cause of valve seal leaks is age and/or high mileage. The seal can also leak due to the vehicle being stored for an extended period of time. Extended storage in particular causes drying and hardening of the seal which leads to shrinking and cracking, and consequently leaking. Use Rislone Valve Seal Oil Consumption Repair to reverse aging damage and stop oil consumption dead in its tracks. Not to mention, it works with ALL gasoline and diesel engines using conventional, high mileage and synthetic oil.
Part Number: 44223
Dosage: One bottle treats oil capacity from 4 litres to 6 litres.
Size: 500 mL
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